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Young Agents of Kansas

Young Agents of KansasThe Young Agents of Kansas (YAK) is designed to help new producers learn more about the insurance business, gain confidence, share ideas, and build a network of support within the industry.

The group regularly plans social activities and serves as a touch-point for young agents at KAIA conferences and events in order to help new attendees get to know each other.

Get Involved

The Young Agents of Kansas (YAK) program is open to any KAIA member agent who is age 45 and under or has less than ten years experience. There is no separate fee to join the's already included with your agency's membership dues. All you have to do is get engaged and participate in YAK program and activities! To make sure you stay in the know on what's happening for YAK agents, please sign up for the YAK communication list.

  • Receive updates on events and networking opportunities
  • Receive email and text communications
  • Start growing your network of peers and connections with companies and vendors
  • And much more!

If you’re interested in joining the YAK Committee which helps plan YAK activities and networking opportunities, email Karlyn Judd at for information.

Networking Opportunities & Events

One of the biggest benefits of being involved with the YAK Program is networking with other young professionals that are at a similar stage in your career. Through YAK, you can form friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. In addition to the annual conference for YAK Agents, we hold networking events around the state and online to help you form connections with other young agents. Check back often for upcoming networking opportunities!

2024 Young Agents Conference
September 25-27 | Shangri-La Resort

Young Agents Vision

To be the source where every young insurance professional turns to in accelerating the curve to success in the insurance industry.

Young Agents Mission

To empower young insurance professionals to be leaders by providing opportunities for personal development, building lasting relationships and gaining valuable industry experience. Through engaging in activities and projects, members will expand their industry knowledge and enhance their skills propelling their agencies to evolve and grow.

Guiding Principles

Altruistic Unselfishly devoted to the well-being of Kansas communities and the insurance industry served.

Resourceful Utilizing energy and initiative to provide support for creative solutions to the challenges of young agents.

Shared Acumen Sharing knowledge and insights for the betterment of Young Agents and to help them and their agencies evolve to best meet the needs of their customers.

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