KAIA Board Announces Virtual Annual Meeting and Legislative Update
Due to the difficulties of being able to safely meet in person, the KAIA Board has decided to hold our required annual membership meeting virtually, along with a Kansas legislative update. The virtual meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 3rd from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT and all members are encouraged to attend. The agenda will include the following:
- KAIA and KIAPAC Annual Meeting
- Approval of Past KIAPAC Minutes and Financials
- Approval of KAIA Board members
- Installation of Officers
- Brief National Legislative Update
- Kansas Legislative Update – Producer Licensing Bill
Register today at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwocu2tpzMtGtUJ_DWqZhAddrIxGz07_5nQ.