Fingerprinting Options Available for New Producers
For the last several weeks, the Kansas Insurance Department has been working to address the lack of available locations to get fingerprints taken in light of the COVID crisis and the background check requirement for a producer license. During recent discussions with the KBI, they were informed that there is not a certification or authorization required to be able to take fingerprints. The Department has heard from several agencies and companies requesting to be able to take fingerprints for those in their organization applying for a license. Together, with Special Agent Holly Harwood of its Anti-Fraud division, KID developed an instructional video along with written instructions to help guide agencies and companies through the fingerprinting process.
The guidance includes a list of supplies needed, safety tips, the process of securing the fingerprints, special circumstances you might encounter and the process of submitting the fingerprints. We’ve also included a contact at the KBI that we recommend you send practice prints to in order to help ensure you are taking quality prints before submitting applicants’ fingerprints.
Please use these resources as tools to assist those applying for an insurance agent license. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
The links to the written instructions as well as the instructional video are below as well as in the FAQ document on KID’s website: